我很喜欢纪录片, 常常有很多灵感在这里被激发。
how it's made 是 Discovery channel制作的纪录片, 说的是一些东西从原料变成成品的过程, 从卫生纸啦, 纸袋啦, 糖果啦, 小提琴啦, 喇叭啦, 布料啦,很多很多, you name it.
看这些纪录片, 你可以了解到一个物品从无到有的过程, 其实这也跟制作娃娃屋一样, 了解了那个东西的原理, 尽可能的用回一样的材质,再依照原理一样的作出来, 会更真实哦。
i always love documentaries, all sorts of documentaries. they are my inspirations, and as i say i am a curious person, i want to know how's thing happen, how things are made, why is that caused. everything everything in the whole wide world. i like to KNOW.
and the more you know, the more you don't know, it's like a endless journey.
how it's made is a documentary film produced by the Discovery channel,
they show you how things are made from raw material to the finished products,things that are surrounding us and we use it in our daily life like paper, fabrics, instruments,furnitures,electrical components, etc, almost anything you can think of.
on this episode, they show you how candles are made. and which inspired me to make a miniature candle according to one of the method they are using.which is the dipping process 在这一集, 他们介绍的是蜡烛的制作, 有很多中方法,也给了我一些技巧的灵感。 还记得我曾经用tracing paper制作过蜡烛吧 这里 还有用树脂粘土制作过 这里, 用粘土制作的话只是捏出那个形状里面包一条线就可以了。 然后看了这个纪录片后, 我挪用了其中一个方法。 

首先, 准备线, 什么线都可以, 粗细要看你要制作的蜡烛是粗的还是细的。
first, prepare some threads
如果你有制作蜡烛, 你会有一个容器溶解蜡用的, 你可以把蜡在容器溶解了然后线条垂直沾蜡, 那会更好, 由于我没有玩蜡烛, 所以只能用了这个
And then lit this candle wax to melt the wax. it is better to put the thread into the wax in a vertical way to gets the perfect shape, but this is just a experiments so i just use whatever i got.
熔得差不多了就把火扑灭, 因为如果火一直点燃, 蜡会一直越来越热, 不管你沾几次蜡会一直在溶解的阶段而不会凝固在线上面。
then put of the fire, coz if the fire keeps burning, the wax will get more and more heat and the wax will not stay on the thread and melt the former coat of the wax that's aready cold
象这样, 把线沾进蜡里面, 然后再拿起来让线上面的蜡先凝固, 凝固后再沾一层蜡, 再让它凝固, 这样的动作从复几次, 蜡身会越来越粗。如果要作很粗的蜡烛就要沾多几次。
like this, dip the thread into the melted wax, then pull it up to let the wax cooling to gets solidified. then repead this step several times to get the thickness.
然后把多余的线剪掉, 把底部切/熔平就可以了。
这些迷你蜡烛在还没有完全冷却的时候, 是还可以槊形状的, 如果觉得不够圆滑, 可以在干净的平面上面来回搓揉。
then you will get these, cut off the excess thread and bottom
you still be able to shape the candle while it is still "warm"
这根蜡烛不是很圆滑也不挺直, 因为我是让线睡躺着沾蜡, 所以会这样, 如果可以象记录片里面那样可以让线垂直的沾蜡的话, 效果会更好吧。
well this candle aren't in perfetly good shape, but it's stll look natural.
我想在这个厨房的桌子上放个古老的蜡烛台, 所以会要用到这些蜡烛。
you can really lit this candle but be carefull, don't burn down your dollhouse XD
由于真的很小,一直focus 不到,而且火很快就会灭, 一直拍不到清楚的照片,
it's not easy to capture the fire coz it won't stay long.
点燃过后的迷你蜡烛就好象真的有在被用的蜡烛, 溶解而滴下来的蜡更自然。
once it is lit and the wax are melted, you'll get this effect, it's like it's been using and bring more reality to the dollhouse.
Thank you for this tutorial ! It looks so easy . I have been wondering how to make candles and look forward to trying it out soon!
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